2012-09-17 05:06:24 UTC
Natinyaho has dual citizenship—One in USA and a Second in Israel where
he serves as prime minister. If and when President Obama takes a
warrant for his arrest on high crimes, Natinyaho would be arrested by
the FBI if he is in USA and if he is not he would have to be arrested
in Israel. Now comes the clencher. Would Israel surrender him to
American authorities? Is Israel justice system submissive to USA
justice system? Case in mind, Iraq’s justice system is subordinate to
USA justice system. Major appeals from Iraq have to be done within
USA court of appeals through the Supreme Court of the United States.
I do not think the United States would prosecute all Jews for crimes
against USA arising from prime minister of Israel. One good reason
and that is racial if done. I think USA will prosecute Natinyaho as a
citizen of USA residing in Israel. Natinyaho over reached in his
political and military agenda for Jews and he not only crossed the
lines but he is implicated by this poster for conspiracy to kill
American citizens, defamation of American values, inciting riots
against USA and interfering in the election process to corner the
United States to choose one and only one action and that is to invade
Iran and surrender that to members of the Jew race. Let us look at
the facts.
By Aviroce
First the Jews bombed the US Liberty in the Mediterranean Sea
by bulldozing Rachel Corrie and that was for practice. Then they
ignited religious bigotry that is drawing the USA into wars for the
atrocious savages. Look at the finger prints.
The killing of the US ambassador to Libya was well planned along with
other eruptions. The inciter is a Jew from Israel he claimed and even
if he is not really a Jew he was recruited to become one and for Jew
interests and by Jew money from Israel. First, Jews created that
detestable film to instigate hostility against USA by inciting riots
against USA interests. If you listened to Natinyaho today, Sunday at
11:00 AM on ABC, you can see that the rhetoric used in the movie clip
is identical to that of Natinyaho and almost every Internet poster
against Arabs and Muslims to distract from Palestinian-Jew issues.
It is a policy of the Jew propaganda to distract the American people
from the atrocious savagery Jews utilize in killing Palestinians and
expropriating Palestinian land.
Who instigated the hostility? An American Jew or through Jew money
by substitution to serve Jew interests and to distance Jews from the
filthy and atrocious acts of dehumanization of Muslims to pit USA
against them. Well planned.
In Libya, Jews knew where the ambassador was to be and the mass
killing took place. These acts were planned by Jews in USA and
to build hatred for Muslims to attack Iran so that Israel would be the
only absolute power among Arabs and Muslims unchallenged in killing
Palestinians and expropriating Palestinian land. Jew planned.
Prime minister of Israel was peddling attacking Iran to USA only to
find USA does not want to go to war. Notice that his appearance in
Washington, D.C. coincided with 911 and release of hateful and
detestable movie along with the killing of the ambassador to Libya.
That was well planned.
Under the Obama administration, USA must determine who the
perpetrators are and do something about
it. This time it is Israel. This time it is the Jews. And this time
it is “Friendly fire but not friendly.” Time to punish Israel and
American Jews. Unfortunately this would not be done. What could be
done is to arrest Natinyaho and prosecute him on high crimes.
Natinyaho has dual citizenship—One in USA and a Second in Israel where
he serves as prime minister. If and when President Obama takes a
warrant for his arrest on high crimes, Natinyaho would be arrested by
the FBI if he is in USA and if he is not he would have to be arrested
in Israel. Now comes the clencher. Would Israel surrender him to
American authorities? Is Israel justice system submissive to USA
justice system? Case in mind, Iraq’s justice system is subordinate to
USA justice system. Major appeals from Iraq have to be done within
USA court of appeals through the Supreme Court of the United States.
I do not think the United States would prosecute all Jews for crimes
against USA arising from prime minister of Israel. One good reason
and that is racial if done. I think USA will prosecute Natinyaho as a
citizen of USA residing in Israel. Natinyaho over reached in his
political and military agenda for Jews and he not only crossed the
lines but he is implicated by this poster for conspiracy to kill
American citizens, defamation of American values, inciting riots
against USA and interfering in the election process to corner the
United States to choose one and only one action and that is to invade
Iran and surrender that to members of the Jew race. Let us look at
the facts.
By Aviroce
First the Jews bombed the US Liberty in the Mediterranean Sea
by bulldozing Rachel Corrie and that was for practice. Then they
ignited religious bigotry that is drawing the USA into wars for the
atrocious savages. Look at the finger prints.
The killing of the US ambassador to Libya was well planned along with
other eruptions. The inciter is a Jew from Israel he claimed and even
if he is not really a Jew he was recruited to become one and for Jew
interests and by Jew money from Israel. First, Jews created that
detestable film to instigate hostility against USA by inciting riots
against USA interests. If you listened to Natinyaho today, Sunday at
11:00 AM on ABC, you can see that the rhetoric used in the movie clip
is identical to that of Natinyaho and almost every Internet poster
against Arabs and Muslims to distract from Palestinian-Jew issues.
It is a policy of the Jew propaganda to distract the American people
from the atrocious savagery Jews utilize in killing Palestinians and
expropriating Palestinian land.
Who instigated the hostility? An American Jew or through Jew money
by substitution to serve Jew interests and to distance Jews from the
filthy and atrocious acts of dehumanization of Muslims to pit USA
against them. Well planned.
In Libya, Jews knew where the ambassador was to be and the mass
killing took place. These acts were planned by Jews in USA and
to build hatred for Muslims to attack Iran so that Israel would be the
only absolute power among Arabs and Muslims unchallenged in killing
Palestinians and expropriating Palestinian land. Jew planned.
Prime minister of Israel was peddling attacking Iran to USA only to
find USA does not want to go to war. Notice that his appearance in
Washington, D.C. coincided with 911 and release of hateful and
detestable movie along with the killing of the ambassador to Libya.
That was well planned.
Under the Obama administration, USA must determine who the
perpetrators are and do something about
it. This time it is Israel. This time it is the Jews. And this time
it is “Friendly fire but not friendly.” Time to punish Israel and
American Jews. Unfortunately this would not be done. What could be
done is to arrest Natinyaho and prosecute him on high crimes.