2012-07-29 16:27:01 UTC
By Aviroce
Romney is a crook. All Romney needs is few Jews like Adelson who has
been buying Gingrich all along. He is supported by the Zionist
Organization of North America and the Israeli-Jewish Lobby, the
Community and the Evangelists who are Jews incognito. All these
Israeli-induced groups are among the richest in the country who would
benefit handsomely from tax breaks at the top 1% of the population in
wealth as well as send more money and resources from USA to Israel
where Jews want to belong at the expense of the American people..On
the other hand, Obama is a president from the people by the people
for the people. He gets little contributions from most Americans as
they are the common Americans who are not Jews and are not
or for a general term not Republicans as we know them today.
There is another issue I would like to raise which goes hand in hand
with raising money. In actual cash, Obama has $100 million and
has $17 million. This explains why Romney's fund raising is in
actuality an apparition, a ghost, for actual money. Why so? The ghost
money is directed as what Romney can virtually buy in TV adds, moneys
from Jews to Jews. If Obama directs his attention to TV or is
spirited by the Romney ghost of funds then Obama would actually spend
hard-earned funds to Jew TV raising the wealth of the Jews at the
expense of the American people. Obama can better serve his cause and
the people's cause by recruiting door-to-door campaigners with the
money he has, depriving Jews of such funds and showing Jews and
the middle finger up.
By Aviroce
Romney is a crook. All Romney needs is few Jews like Adelson who has
been buying Gingrich all along. He is supported by the Zionist
Organization of North America and the Israeli-Jewish Lobby, the
Community and the Evangelists who are Jews incognito. All these
Israeli-induced groups are among the richest in the country who would
benefit handsomely from tax breaks at the top 1% of the population in
wealth as well as send more money and resources from USA to Israel
where Jews want to belong at the expense of the American people..On
the other hand, Obama is a president from the people by the people
for the people. He gets little contributions from most Americans as
they are the common Americans who are not Jews and are not
or for a general term not Republicans as we know them today.
There is another issue I would like to raise which goes hand in hand
with raising money. In actual cash, Obama has $100 million and
has $17 million. This explains why Romney's fund raising is in
actuality an apparition, a ghost, for actual money. Why so? The ghost
money is directed as what Romney can virtually buy in TV adds, moneys
from Jews to Jews. If Obama directs his attention to TV or is
spirited by the Romney ghost of funds then Obama would actually spend
hard-earned funds to Jew TV raising the wealth of the Jews at the
expense of the American people. Obama can better serve his cause and
the people's cause by recruiting door-to-door campaigners with the
money he has, depriving Jews of such funds and showing Jews and
the middle finger up.