2012-03-10 03:13:12 UTC
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel. Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity. When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it. USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews. USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242. Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes. Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel. Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel. What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel. Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity. When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it. USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews. USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242. Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes. Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel. Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel. What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.