(too old to reply)
2012-03-10 03:13:12 UTC
By Aviroce

The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel. Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity. When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it. USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews. USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242. Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes. Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel. Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel. What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.

Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.

Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??

In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
2012-03-10 17:40:37 UTC
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel. Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity. When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it. USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews. USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242. Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes. Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel. Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel. What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Nusrat Rizvi
2012-03-10 21:06:03 UTC
On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 12:40:37 -0500, "TheZ" <***@nospam.com> wrote:

You can not possibly blame this mental case for his screwed up logic.
He is only parroting whatever the child molesting pedophile wrote in
his holy shit, I mean holy Koran.
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel. Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity. When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it. USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews. USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242. Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes. Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel. Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel. What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
2012-03-11 05:50:58 UTC
Funny to see you write such comment. The Prophet Mohammed faced Jews
who would shit not far away from where the Prophet stayed until one
day this did not happen. The Prophet missed the Jew who did it and
sent his men to find him. Shit is standard language in Jew culture.
No wonder rabbis urinate and defacate in undergarments.
Post by Nusrat Rizvi
You can not possibly blame this mental case for his screwed up logic.
He is only parroting whatever the child molesting pedophile wrote in
his holy shit, I mean holy Koran.
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel.  Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity.  When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it.  USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews.  USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242.  Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes.  Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel.  Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel.  What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2012-03-11 06:29:52 UTC
You made me think.
I remember reading it in UN report and a book written by Alfred
Lelinthal and I remember hearing it from Palestinians I met in Lebanon
when I studied at the American University of Beirut towards my B.Sc.
Jew gangs entered the village of Deir Yaseen. They would open a
woman's belly, get her fetus out, chop the fetus over her breasts and
then cut the woman's head and parade it in Deir Yaseen to scare off
the Palestinian people. That is why so many Palestinians became
refugees. These war criminals became the leaders of Israel.

In Lebanon, these Jews entered the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra
and Shateela. The camp was as quiet as the eye of the storm. They
would collect those walking around on the trucks. Soon enough
families and families were slaughtered.

In Gaza, Jews established a safe haven during the last war with Gaza.
Jews collected the women and children in that safe haven. When it was
full, Jews began to bomb it sea-land-air with Napalm, Depleted Uranium
Bombs, Cluster bombs.

Knowing these facts, do you expect me to say to Jews that they are
good people? I say it like I see it and let the chips fall where they

Jews are atrocious savages the world can do without them.
Post by Nusrat Rizvi
You can not possibly blame this mental case for his screwed up logic.
He is only parroting whatever the child molesting pedophile wrote in
his holy shit, I mean holy Koran.
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel.  Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity.  When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it.  USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews.  USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242.  Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes.  Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel.  Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel.  What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2012-03-10 22:05:58 UTC
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel. Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity. When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it. USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews. USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242. Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes. Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel. Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel. What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce is a hate-filled lie machine. He is beneath contempt. He does
not qualify as a human. He is a piece of shit, and needs to be flushed away.

P-Dub: There are others out here that compete for the same level of
filth as Aviroce, though I will call him the champion clown right now.
2012-03-11 05:52:52 UTC
I tell it like I see it. I am glad I express my thoughts openly.
Thanks Internet and thanks America which believes that multiple
opinions is the path to the truth.
Post by P-Dub
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel.  Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity.  When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it.  USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews.  USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242.  Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes.  Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel.  Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel.  What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce is a hate-filled lie machine. He is beneath contempt. He does
not qualify as a human. He is a piece of shit, and needs to be flushed away.
P-Dub: There are others out here that compete for the same level of
filth as Aviroce, though I will call him the champion clown right now.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Nusrat Rizvi
2012-03-11 06:27:51 UTC
On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 21:52:52 -0800 (PST), Aviroce
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

I am glad you feel safe enough to voice your opinion since you live in
the free West. Try saving this in any Islamic shit hole of a country,
I am sure you will find a copy of Koran stuffed up your bottom.
Post by Aviroce
I tell it like I see it. I am glad I express my thoughts openly.
Thanks Internet and thanks America which believes that multiple
opinions is the path to the truth.
Post by P-Dub
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel.  Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity.  When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it.  USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews.  USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242.  Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes.  Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel.  Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel.  What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce is a hate-filled lie machine. He is beneath contempt. He does
not qualify as a human. He is a piece of shit, and needs to be flushed away.
P-Dub: There are others out here that compete for the same level of
filth as Aviroce, though I will call him the champion clown right now.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2012-03-16 15:42:28 UTC
I do not disagree with the fact in these countries freedom is
restricted and that is not Islam. For one thoudand years Islam
blossomed with Renaissance men. Europe began their Renaissance after
the Muslim learned men. One of which is Aviroce or Ibn Rushd who
said, "Allah created the Universe and He let go of it." Imagine what
the Catholic Church would have done to you then? Death. Islam united
India under Akbar. Akbar married five thousand women, one from each
tribe to unify the country. First Representative Democracy. Al-
Mutanabbi said, "You would have heard an answer have called a living,
But there is no life to whom you are calling." Al-Mutanabbi is the
most respected poet. Islamic civilization is the root of Western
civilization and Muslims are still doing that. Somehow, Muslims are
so endowed with potential energy that they will always come on top.
You will see.
Post by Nusrat Rizvi
On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 21:52:52 -0800 (PST), Aviroce
I am glad you feel safe enough to voice your opinion since you live in
the free West. Try saving this in any Islamic shit hole of a country,
I am sure you will find a copy of Koran stuffed up your bottom.
I tell it like I see it.  I am glad I express my thoughts openly.
Thanks Internet and thanks America which believes that multiple
opinions is the path to the truth.
Post by P-Dub
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel.  Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity.  When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it.  USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews.  USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242.  Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes.  Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel.  Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel.  What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce is a hate-filled lie machine. He is beneath contempt. He does
not qualify as a human. He is a piece of shit, and needs to be flushed away.
P-Dub: There are others out here that compete for the same level of
filth as Aviroce, though I will call him the champion clown right now.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Nusrat Rizvi
2012-03-17 00:49:08 UTC
On Fri, 16 Mar 2012 08:42:28 -0700 (PDT), Aviroce
<***@gmail.com> wrote:

Your lack of knowledge is self evident when you utter bullshit like
Emperor Akbar married 5 thousand or that he was even a Muslim since he
started his own religion called Din E Elahai. Objections from Mullah
led to brutal punishments like being sewn alive in donkey hide.
Indian sun would cause a painful death in about 6 hours to say nothing
of humiliation. All Mullahs soon became partners in promoting state
Keep dreaming of eventual Muslim victory while most of Muslim world
now lives in filth and garbage.
Post by Aviroce
I do not disagree with the fact in these countries freedom is
restricted and that is not Islam. For one thoudand years Islam
blossomed with Renaissance men. Europe began their Renaissance after
the Muslim learned men. One of which is Aviroce or Ibn Rushd who
said, "Allah created the Universe and He let go of it." Imagine what
the Catholic Church would have done to you then? Death. Islam united
India under Akbar. Akbar married five thousand women, one from each
tribe to unify the country. First Representative Democracy. Al-
Mutanabbi said, "You would have heard an answer have called a living,
But there is no life to whom you are calling." Al-Mutanabbi is the
most respected poet. Islamic civilization is the root of Western
civilization and Muslims are still doing that. Somehow, Muslims are
so endowed with potential energy that they will always come on top.
You will see.
Post by Nusrat Rizvi
On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 21:52:52 -0800 (PST), Aviroce
I am glad you feel safe enough to voice your opinion since you live in
the free West. Try saving this in any Islamic shit hole of a country,
I am sure you will find a copy of Koran stuffed up your bottom.
I tell it like I see it.  I am glad I express my thoughts openly.
Thanks Internet and thanks America which believes that multiple
opinions is the path to the truth.
Post by P-Dub
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel.  Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity.  When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it.  USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews.  USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242.  Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes.  Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel.  Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel.  What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce is a hate-filled lie machine. He is beneath contempt. He does
not qualify as a human. He is a piece of shit, and needs to be flushed away.
P-Dub: There are others out here that compete for the same level of
filth as Aviroce, though I will call him the champion clown right now.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2012-03-18 04:43:12 UTC
When there is life there is hope.
Post by Nusrat Rizvi
On Fri, 16 Mar 2012 08:42:28 -0700 (PDT), Aviroce
Your lack of knowledge is self evident when you utter bullshit like
Emperor Akbar married 5 thousand or that he was even a Muslim since he
started his own religion called Din E Elahai. Objections from Mullah
led to brutal punishments like being sewn alive in donkey hide.
Indian sun would cause a painful death in about 6 hours to say nothing
of humiliation. All Mullahs soon became partners in promoting state
Keep dreaming of eventual Muslim victory while most of Muslim world
now lives in filth and garbage.
Post by Aviroce
I do not disagree with the fact in these countries freedom is
restricted and that is not Islam.  For one thoudand years Islam
blossomed with Renaissance men.  Europe began their Renaissance after
the Muslim learned men.  One of which is Aviroce or Ibn Rushd who
said, "Allah created the Universe and He let go of it."  Imagine what
the Catholic Church would have done to you then?  Death.  Islam united
India under Akbar.  Akbar married five thousand women, one from each
tribe to unify the country.  First Representative Democracy.  Al-
Mutanabbi said, "You would have heard an answer have called a living,
But there is no life to whom you are calling."  Al-Mutanabbi is the
most respected poet.  Islamic civilization is the root of Western
civilization and Muslims are still doing that.  Somehow, Muslims are
so endowed with potential energy that they will always come on top.
You will see.
Post by Nusrat Rizvi
On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 21:52:52 -0800 (PST), Aviroce
I am glad you feel safe enough to voice your opinion since you live in
the free West. Try saving this in any Islamic shit hole of a country,
I am sure you will find a copy of Koran stuffed up your bottom.
I tell it like I see it.  I am glad I express my thoughts openly.
Thanks Internet and thanks America which believes that multiple
opinions is the path to the truth.
Post by P-Dub
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel.  Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity.  When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it.  USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews.  USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242.  Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes.  Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel.  Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel.  What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce is a hate-filled lie machine. He is beneath contempt. He does
not qualify as a human. He is a piece of shit, and needs to be flushed away.
P-Dub: There are others out here that compete for the same level of
filth as Aviroce, though I will call him the champion clown right now.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2012-03-18 16:37:32 UTC
Akbar unified Islam, Christianity and Hinduism in one religion. He
started as a Muslim. This shows Islam is a Legal Social System that
is based upon Education, Equality and Mutual Respect. Jew cult and
Christian ideology are rigid and racial. Even slavery was based upon
Christian and Jew precepts. Islam abolished slavery for Muslims.
Post by Nusrat Rizvi
On Fri, 16 Mar 2012 08:42:28 -0700 (PDT), Aviroce
Your lack of knowledge is self evident when you utter bullshit like
Emperor Akbar married 5 thousand or that he was even a Muslim since he
started his own religion called Din E Elahai. Objections from Mullah
led to brutal punishments like being sewn alive in donkey hide.
Indian sun would cause a painful death in about 6 hours to say nothing
of humiliation. All Mullahs soon became partners in promoting state
Keep dreaming of eventual Muslim victory while most of Muslim world
now lives in filth and garbage.
Post by Aviroce
I do not disagree with the fact in these countries freedom is
restricted and that is not Islam.  For one thoudand years Islam
blossomed with Renaissance men.  Europe began their Renaissance after
the Muslim learned men.  One of which is Aviroce or Ibn Rushd who
said, "Allah created the Universe and He let go of it."  Imagine what
the Catholic Church would have done to you then?  Death.  Islam united
India under Akbar.  Akbar married five thousand women, one from each
tribe to unify the country.  First Representative Democracy.  Al-
Mutanabbi said, "You would have heard an answer have called a living,
But there is no life to whom you are calling."  Al-Mutanabbi is the
most respected poet.  Islamic civilization is the root of Western
civilization and Muslims are still doing that.  Somehow, Muslims are
so endowed with potential energy that they will always come on top.
You will see.
Post by Nusrat Rizvi
On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 21:52:52 -0800 (PST), Aviroce
I am glad you feel safe enough to voice your opinion since you live in
the free West. Try saving this in any Islamic shit hole of a country,
I am sure you will find a copy of Koran stuffed up your bottom.
I tell it like I see it.  I am glad I express my thoughts openly.
Thanks Internet and thanks America which believes that multiple
opinions is the path to the truth.
Post by P-Dub
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel.  Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity.  When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it.  USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews.  USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242.  Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes.  Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel.  Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel.  What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce is a hate-filled lie machine. He is beneath contempt. He does
not qualify as a human. He is a piece of shit, and needs to be flushed away.
P-Dub: There are others out here that compete for the same level of
filth as Aviroce, though I will call him the champion clown right now.- Hide quoted text -
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2012-03-11 06:30:17 UTC
You made me think.
I remember reading it in UN report and a book written by Alfred
Lelinthal and I remember hearing it from Palestinians I met in Lebanon
when I studied at the American University of Beirut towards my B.Sc.
Jew gangs entered the village of Deir Yaseen. They would open a
woman's belly, get her fetus out, chop the fetus over her breasts and
then cut the woman's head and parade it in Deir Yaseen to scare off
the Palestinian people. That is why so many Palestinians became
refugees. These war criminals became the leaders of Israel.

In Lebanon, these Jews entered the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra
and Shateela. The camp was as quiet as the eye of the storm. They
would collect those walking around on the trucks. Soon enough
families and families were slaughtered.

In Gaza, Jews established a safe haven during the last war with Gaza.
Jews collected the women and children in that safe haven. When it was
full, Jews began to bomb it sea-land-air with Napalm, Depleted Uranium
Bombs, Cluster bombs.

Knowing these facts, do you expect me to say to Jews that they are
good people? I say it like I see it and let the chips fall where they

Jews are atrocious savages the world can do without them.
Post by P-Dub
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel.  Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity.  When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it.  USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews.  USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242.  Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes.  Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel.  Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel.  What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce is a hate-filled lie machine. He is beneath contempt. He does
not qualify as a human. He is a piece of shit, and needs to be flushed away.
P-Dub: There are others out here that compete for the same level of
filth as Aviroce, though I will call him the champion clown right now.- Hide quoted text -
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2012-03-11 06:29:30 UTC
Jews betrayed their country of Germany. The Balfour Declaration was
given by England to Jews. Well the Jews wanted to pay back England by
betraying Germany so that England takes Germany as a colony. All
parties burnt. Only USA won.
(You Need to read the book on this subject by research done by Pat
Buchanan.) This may help you shut your foul mouth.
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel.  Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity.  When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it.  USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews.  USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242.  Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes.  Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel.  Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel.  What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce- Hide quoted text -
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Nusrat Rizvi
2012-03-11 11:34:16 UTC
On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 22:29:30 -0800 (PST), Aviroce
Post by Aviroce
Jews betrayed their country of Germany. The Balfour Declaration was
given by England to Jews. Well the Jews wanted to pay back England by
betraying Germany so that England takes Germany as a colony. All
parties burnt. Only USA won.
(You Need to read the book on this subject by research done by Pat
Buchanan.) This may help you shut your foul mouth.
If I did than wouldn't I act and write like you and become famous as
the worlds most renounced ass hole?
2012-03-11 05:47:44 UTC
I have articles that show how many times Jews have been deported and
that is not love for such persons.
Post by TheZ
Poland attacked Germany?
England attacked Germany?
You are a moron as well as a Jew hater bullshit machine.
Post by Aviroce
By Aviroce
The dilemma of Nuclear Iran arises from Nuclear Israel.  Israel, a
small country, with thousands of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Bombs aimed at the destruction of humanity.  When Jews say they want
to destroy humanity, they mean it.  USA has a special role to control
Israel and Jews.  USA should ask Israel to disarm with secure 1948
Israel and a Palestinian state satisfying UN Resolution 242.  Israel
would have to abolish the state of apartheid and open itself to all
Palestinians wishing to go back to their homes.  Otherwise, Iran
should build their nuclear bombs and aim it at Israel.  Only three
bombs would annihilate all the Jews in Israel.  What would be sad is
the fact that innocent Palestinians, target of Jewish genocides,
atrocities, exploitation and expropriation, these Palestinians would
go down with the lowest humans on the Planet. Well the earth has
insects and Jews.
Poland attacks Germany and England attacks Germany and Germany returns
the favor. WWII. Jews promised England that they would betray Germany
and Germany returned the favor to Jews.
Now, Jews incite USA to disarm Iran. Israel attacks Iran. USA attacks
Iran. Iran would return the favor. WWIII?? China and Russia are in the
background. WWIII??
In both WWII and WWIII to come, Jews would be the inciting group.
Would the final outcome be a clean victory or filthy defeat? Jews, I
believe have outlived their existence.
Aviroce- Hide quoted text -
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