I am an Arab Jew
(too old to reply)
2013-05-04 04:44:50 UTC

read the comments, very intresting.

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2013-06-13 03:35:46 UTC
Zionism has destroyed Jews as a religious group by creating a race of its own hateful to Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims and we see that 138 nations of the world community versus only nine nations directed by USA affirm my comment against Zionism.

Jews are recognized Arabs with a faith. Now Jews are anti Arabs and have no faith.

My ancestors say 1200 a.d. were Jews from Hungary, still so many of them displaying the star david flag, and Russia and Eukraine and Chechnya until one Jew boy was purchased as a slave by the Egyptian government (slaves were educated people, thought of as "human robots" to function as governmental officials or soldiers) and finding too many like him were also slaves, gathered the group and revolted against the government. He took the government over and established the Kingdom of the Mamlukes. This kingdom stayed in power for about 600 years. So many of my family still live in Egypt and some migrated to Palestine. Lots of the family has roots in Spain and many are found in USA.
In USA I find myself facing members who are Muslims, Jews and Christians. Same tribe. One professor at Auburn University where my son got his Pharm. D. told him many members of this tribe are college professors in Russia. Well the tribe is very talented where the number of doctors in the family exceeds 20%, all members are scientists, mathematicians, computer analysts, attorneys, writers. A B.A. is like a high school diploma in this tribe.

Arab Jews are the original Jews and they are Arabs in origin. Zionism separated the Arab Jews from their Arab origin. Zionist leadership are converted Europeans who could not be successful in Europe and took it on the Palestinians to exploit and kill them.
http://972mag.com/i-am-an-arab-jew/23102/ read the comments, very intresting. Moussa -- The information contained in this post is copyright of the poster, and specifically may not be published in, or used by Others.
2013-06-13 04:56:30 UTC
Post by Aviroce
Zionism has destroyed Jews as a religious group by creating a race of its
own hateful to Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims and we see that 138 nations
of the world community versus only nine > nations directed by USA affirm
my comment against Zionism.
define "we"?

