2012-12-19 05:22:05 UTC
By Aviroce
One wonders why certain people go for the extreme end to commit mass
murder. Is it true that such people feel if they want to kill one,
why not two. If two are to be killed, why not three. And so on.
is committing one murder is the same as committing many murders.
keep the ball rolling. Does life mean anything to these people? Are
these people committing mass murder to glorify their ego? Are these
people naive to imitate violent movies, to excel in killing? In the
"The Stranger" by Camus, he kills a man because the sun hits his
eyes. In "Swordfish" the movie, "5,4,3,2,1 You just want to die."
And in an English movie, a girl does 100 jumps with a jump rope and
for each jump she names a star or planet. After that she no longer
counts. When asked why? Her answer was ,"After a hundred, they are
all the same." Mind you counting to the hundred was associated
with killing a human or animal. A mother and her two daughters just
keep killing one man after another while the movie is interrupted by
games people play and killing is just one game. The mother and her
two daughters even kill the coroner who falsified the records of
murders just aspiring to have sex with them all. Carefree with
On the state level, we see our country which idealizes life within
society, commits atrocities against other nations with impunity.
Might is right. USA has no shame and no fear committing murders and
our state murderers get away with it with impunity. Sometimes we
glorify their acts and sometimes we know they committed crimes
humanity and we close our eyes and ears and dismiss these facts and
provide explanations that don't make sense. If life is not important
on the other side, why should it be important on this side? Is this
good reason to commit atrocities? There is no war that USA undertook
without changing the behavior of the American people. Is it possible
that some people resort to killing their own as a result? Why then
Jews do not seem to have this anomaly? Jews would stab a woman in
belly, get her fetus out, chop the fetus over her breasts, and cut
woman's head off and parade it in Deir Yaseen. Why Jews don't seem
do that to other Jews? Are they doing it and we don't know about it?
They merely quash the media.
Is mass murder intended for entertainment, "Amusing ourselves to
death?" When Jews committed the crimes of betrayal to their mother
country Germany, Adolph Hitler wanted to punish them. That is what
humanity does to traitors. These Jews basically were killed in self-
defense. They deserved it. Hitler did not fulfill his will to
them all as they have been evil to the German people. But then such
mass murder has survival value which is acceptable for the
continuation and development of life.
Is the murderer in Newtown a Jew? Are most of the children killed
Jews? Was he retaliating against Jews for attempting to annihilate
Palestinians and steal their land? I can see many ways for some
people to commit mass murder. Is there a general phenomenon
associated with these murderers? Do they think they are going to get
away with it? Well Hitler was defeated and killed. But look at
George W. Bush he is still alive and kicking. He has faded among the
people as he is a nobody. But no one can dare to put the rope around
his neck and hang him according to state and international laws. So
he committed atrocities with impunity. Was Lanza thinking he would
like Bush II? One thing is certain, those who take away life, have
respect for life and accordingly they should not live without the
final punishment. Again, like Counting by Numbers, if you count to a
hundred stars, then you may stop counting as there is an innumerable
number of stars, the first hundred is the same as the second hundred.
Again, was the creator of the movie a sadist? No respect for life
just like Bush II, Lanza, Hitler, Jews, Stalin.
By Aviroce
One wonders why certain people go for the extreme end to commit mass
murder. Is it true that such people feel if they want to kill one,
why not two. If two are to be killed, why not three. And so on.
is committing one murder is the same as committing many murders.
keep the ball rolling. Does life mean anything to these people? Are
these people committing mass murder to glorify their ego? Are these
people naive to imitate violent movies, to excel in killing? In the
"The Stranger" by Camus, he kills a man because the sun hits his
eyes. In "Swordfish" the movie, "5,4,3,2,1 You just want to die."
And in an English movie, a girl does 100 jumps with a jump rope and
for each jump she names a star or planet. After that she no longer
counts. When asked why? Her answer was ,"After a hundred, they are
all the same." Mind you counting to the hundred was associated
with killing a human or animal. A mother and her two daughters just
keep killing one man after another while the movie is interrupted by
games people play and killing is just one game. The mother and her
two daughters even kill the coroner who falsified the records of
murders just aspiring to have sex with them all. Carefree with
On the state level, we see our country which idealizes life within
society, commits atrocities against other nations with impunity.
Might is right. USA has no shame and no fear committing murders and
our state murderers get away with it with impunity. Sometimes we
glorify their acts and sometimes we know they committed crimes
humanity and we close our eyes and ears and dismiss these facts and
provide explanations that don't make sense. If life is not important
on the other side, why should it be important on this side? Is this
good reason to commit atrocities? There is no war that USA undertook
without changing the behavior of the American people. Is it possible
that some people resort to killing their own as a result? Why then
Jews do not seem to have this anomaly? Jews would stab a woman in
belly, get her fetus out, chop the fetus over her breasts, and cut
woman's head off and parade it in Deir Yaseen. Why Jews don't seem
do that to other Jews? Are they doing it and we don't know about it?
They merely quash the media.
Is mass murder intended for entertainment, "Amusing ourselves to
death?" When Jews committed the crimes of betrayal to their mother
country Germany, Adolph Hitler wanted to punish them. That is what
humanity does to traitors. These Jews basically were killed in self-
defense. They deserved it. Hitler did not fulfill his will to
them all as they have been evil to the German people. But then such
mass murder has survival value which is acceptable for the
continuation and development of life.
Is the murderer in Newtown a Jew? Are most of the children killed
Jews? Was he retaliating against Jews for attempting to annihilate
Palestinians and steal their land? I can see many ways for some
people to commit mass murder. Is there a general phenomenon
associated with these murderers? Do they think they are going to get
away with it? Well Hitler was defeated and killed. But look at
George W. Bush he is still alive and kicking. He has faded among the
people as he is a nobody. But no one can dare to put the rope around
his neck and hang him according to state and international laws. So
he committed atrocities with impunity. Was Lanza thinking he would
like Bush II? One thing is certain, those who take away life, have
respect for life and accordingly they should not live without the
final punishment. Again, like Counting by Numbers, if you count to a
hundred stars, then you may stop counting as there is an innumerable
number of stars, the first hundred is the same as the second hundred.
Again, was the creator of the movie a sadist? No respect for life
just like Bush II, Lanza, Hitler, Jews, Stalin.