2012-12-17 02:53:15 UTC
Information about Dr. Dahesh and Daheshism in Arabic at:
In English:
*[[Doctor Dahesh]] (1909-1984), born Salim Moosa Achi (Arabic:
"Peaceful Moses Cook") in [[Jerusalem]], [[Palestine]] (as it was then
called), the son of Assyrian (Iraqi Chistian) immigrants from Mosul,
Iraq. He grew up mostly in Bethlehem (living with relatives in the
Summer months) or in Beirut, Lebanon, living with his mother, the rest
of the year. He spent most of his adult life in Beirut. In 1917, after
witnessing him walk upon water near Bethlehem, his friends called him
"Dahesh" (Arabic: "Wonderful"). In 1930, he received an honorary
doctorate in psychic studies from the International Psychic Society in
Paris; based upon his growing reputation as a worker of miracles and
mind-reader. After that, he wrote under the pen-name of "Doctor
He purportedly performed thousands of supernatural miracles such as
those Jesus did, but in a much greater number. Hundreds of people, his
followers and non-followers, wrote of miracles they saw occurred in
various newspapers in Lebanon and Egypt. Doctor Dahesh became quite
famous as a miracle-worker and/or illusionist in Lebanon in the 1930s
through the early 1970s. His name was quite well-known in Lebanon,
Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt during those decades.Dr. Dahesh
wrote hundreds of prophecies, almost all of them of an individual
nature, and hundreds have testified that the prophecies came true to
the letter. His "general" prophecies are few, but include a prophecy
of a coming European anti-Christ in the 2020s A.D., the John F.
Kennedy assassination, the Lebanese Civil War, and the second coming
of Jesus Christ "1995" years after Jesus first proclaimed His mission
in Palestine.
Dr. Dahesh was greatly persecuted in Lebanon by the government,
because many Lebanese were becoming Daheshists; to the shock of
Christian and Muslim leaders. The government of Lebanon accused Dr.
Dahesh of practicing Spiritism and Black Magic (by which they claimed
he could perform miracles) who considered him to be a false prophet
and false teacher. Dahesh was exiled from Lebanon in 1944, and
traveled to Syria, Turkey, and finally to Iran; where he was executed
as a "spy" in 1944. Three days after his execution, which was
publicized in Lebanese newspapers, he appeared back in Beirut very
much alive.
Daheshists see this as one of his many supernatural miracles. The
enemies of Dr. Dahesh never denied he could perform miracles. They
ascribed his miracle-working to Black Magic; as did the Pharisees to
Jesus' miracles. In 1942 he founded his own religion called "al-
Dahishiyyah" (Daheshism) which he claimed was not a new Revelation,
but simply a "unity" of the teachings of all the true Prophets and
Guides that God had sent to this planet. Among the particular
teachings of Dr. Dahesh was reincarnation, the Law of Karma, and that
Heaven and Hell consisted of literally planets; Earth being the
highest type of "Hell" planet where the ultraviolet rays of the Sun
"burn" our skin and where we experience pain and sorrow and where
Demons (evil souls) torment us. Each of us has a "Holy Spirit" who
guides us, watches us, and hears, and sometimes answers, our
individual prayers to God.
Dr. Dahesh wrote 150 books: poems, prose, parables, social-commentary,
and five books of Divine Revelation (Paradise, Inferno, My Testament,
The Gospel of Love, The Book of the Divine Guide). These books are
still in Arabic and have not yet been published for the public. Dr.
Dahesh also wrote "Memoirs of Jesus of Nazareth" in the first person.
Although he never claimed to be Jesus reincarnated, most Daheshists
believe he was; based upon things he said and wrote.
In "Memoirs of Jesus of Nazareth" Dr. Dahesh claimed that Jesus would
return "20 centuries" after he first appeared; exactly 1995 years
after he made his first announced himself (which would be about 27 to
30 A.D. making the Second Coming to be about 2027 to 2033 A.D.). Jesus
will "come down from heaven" as He did the first time; via the womb of
a virtuous woman. He will grow to manhood working miracles as
Dr. Dahesh taught that Jesus had one physical body and seven "heavenly
personalities"; one of which was crucified on the Cross and ascended;
leaving the physical body of Jesus to remain on Earth under an assumed
name to live for decades to follow (i.e. all physical bodies
eventually die and return to dust). Some Daheshists speculate that
Jesus spent his post-crucifixion life as [[Apollonius of Tyana]], the
miracle-working Greek "prophet", but this is not official Daheshist
Daheshists believe that [[Muhammad]] was a true Messenger of God, and
the [[Quran]] to be the Word of God, but much misunderstood by the
great majority of the world's Muslims. [[Muhammad]] is seen as the
"Seal of the Prophets" but God can break His own Seal anytime He
desires to do so. Thus, there is no final/last "Prophet" as long as
humanity exists on a Hell planet such as Earth where religion must be
renewed from time to time.
Daheshists include Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains,
Zoroastrians, Hindus, as well as people who do not follow any
particular religious path. Daheshists (about 2,000 mostly in Lebanon)
refer to Dr. Dahesh as "Our Beloved Guiding Prophet". They burn a
"Ramz" (special prayer written on a piece of paper in Arabic) as an
act of worship, and for divine healing purposes. Daheshists believe
that Dr. Dahesh will come again, born of a woman, to lead them.
Several Daheshists have reported having dreams that Dahesh was
reincarnated in 2007, but this is not official Daheshist doctrine.
Daheshists accept Jesus, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Ghandi,
and many others as Prophets and Divine Guides. All of these Prophets
and Divine Guides are the incarnations of the "Sayyals" (spiritual
fluids) of Christ. Jesus is seen as the incarnation of the 20th Sayyal
of Christ: the most lofty and highest Spiritual Fluid of Christ. Of
all the Prophets and Divine Guides, Jesus Christ is seen as Supreme
because He was the incarnation of the 20th, or highest, Sayyal of
"Christ" Who is the WORD of Creative Principle of God.
The five-pointed star is sacred to Daheshists, and used on the Ramz
(prayer sheet). Many Daheshists have written books describing the
hundreds of supernatural miracles they witnessed by his hand. Most of
these books are in Arabic, but they are slowly being translated into
English and a few other major languages. Dr. Dahesh could speak
Assyrian and Arabic, but while in trance he was able to speak Hindi,
English, French, and languages from other planets. At this time (2012)
there is no "head" of Daheshism.
There is a Saudi-American family called "The Trustees" who oversee the
publication of his books and oversee his vast Arabic book collection
(over 300,000 volumes); as well as his vast art collection. Dr. Dahesh
was an avid collector of books in Arabic, as well as the foremost
collector of 19th century French Academic art. The Trustees have
openned several "Dahesh Museums of Art" in New York City over the
years. Dr. Dahesh spent the last nine years of his life living in New
York City; to escape the Lebanese civil war which devasted his home
town (Beirut) from 1975 to 1980. He travelled to over 30 countries
during this time; working many miracles along the way.
The name "Dr. Dahesh" is still a quite famous name in Lebanon;
especially with the older generations. Most older Lebanese see Dr.
Dahesh as a "God Send" (a men sent but God to work miracles who is not
a Prophet), or a worker of "Black Magic" or the greatest illusionist/
hypnotist of all time. The 1000 or so Daheshists in Lebanon believe he
was a Prophet. There are about 2,000 Daheshists in the world; mostly
around Beirut and the greater New York City area (mostly Lebanese
Dr. Dahesh died in 1984 at the age of 75, and is buried in a secret
plot in or near New York City. The Daheshist Publishing Company of
[[New York City]] continues to translate and publish his many books
into English (and a few in French and German). Plans are to produce
"The Book of Daheshism" in Arabic and English; which will be a
guidebook for all Believers in Dr. Dahesh, by the year 2019. The Book
of Daheshism is being compiled and written by Dr. Ghazi Brax, the
President of the Daheshist Publishing Company of New York City. Dr.
Brax has no official office, but has been the major promulgator of the
life and works of Dr. Dahesh since the mid-1960s. He is a former
professor of literature and psychology at the University of Beirut.
Dr. Dahesh never married, but he had strong lasting friendships with
several men; leaving some to speculate that he may have been
homosexual. But, just about all Daheshists will deny this; citing a
work called "My Broken Heart" in which Dahesh expresses deep love and
desire but romantic mistrust of women. Dr. Dahesh also wrote poems in
which he described himself in Paradise kissing young nude women. Many
of the books of Dr. Dahesh has nude art on the cover. Dr. Dahesh
believed that nudity in itself was not evil or sin, and on many of the
Paradise planets sexual love continues to exist in one form or
another, and often without the rules and limitations that exist on our
planet. Plans are to organize Daheshism, called "The Dahesh Mission",
and to make a major dramatic film about the life and miracles of Dr.
Dahesh, but no date has yet to be set for these things to occur. The
purpose of the "Mission" is not to convert the world to Daheshism, but
merely to convince the world that God accepts all religions as valid
as long as the followers of those religions are sincere and seek to do
good towards all others.
Daheshists will be trained to be Divine Healers based upon the Ramz
rite (writing and burning a piece of paper with a special prayer
written upon it and using the ashes for divine healing). Once humanity
"sees" the hundreds of thousands of miracles done by Daheshists via
the Ramz, they will see religions no longer as competitors but as
"fraternal orders" in the one Religion of God.
One of the main principles of Daheshism is that we are "judged" not by
what religion or caste or church we belong to, but by our own actions
(karma); the Atheist who does "more good works" than the Theist
(Christian, Muslim, etc.), in the Next Life, receive a greater reward
than the Theist who does fewer good works. In his book "Paradise" Dr.
Dahesh describes 150 "Paradise" planets in detail; from the lowest
Paradise planets which are simply planets more technologically
advanced than Earth to the highest Paradise planets where whatsoever
one "thinks" of and calls forth is created. In his book "Inferno" Dr.
Dahesh describes 150 "Hell" planets in detail; which are literal
planets like Earth but in various stages of barbarity. Dozens of
Daheshists report observing Dr. Dahesh and one or more of his
"Heavenly Personalities" (heavenly twins or [[doppelgangers]]) at the
same time.
When the Mission is finally organized, it will include a Council of
Seven (directors elected by all Daheshists into office for life) who
oversee the "Dahesh Mission International" and a Council of 10
(advisors selected by the directors each with two assistants); with a
national "Dahesh Mission" established in every country where there is
enough freedom of religion to allow such a mission. Each Dahesh
Mission will promote the books of Dr. Dahesh in that country as well
as to recruit and train Daheshists in the Ramz (divine healing
ritual). The purpose of the Ramz is to convince the Atheists and
Agnostics that God exists, and to convince the Theists (Christians,
Muslims, Jews, etc.) that all Religions are from God, and that God
does not care what religion we are; only that we love one another and
see all humanity as one great Family of Brothers and Sisters.
Further information in English:
Information in Arabic:
In English:
*[[Doctor Dahesh]] (1909-1984), born Salim Moosa Achi (Arabic:
"Peaceful Moses Cook") in [[Jerusalem]], [[Palestine]] (as it was then
called), the son of Assyrian (Iraqi Chistian) immigrants from Mosul,
Iraq. He grew up mostly in Bethlehem (living with relatives in the
Summer months) or in Beirut, Lebanon, living with his mother, the rest
of the year. He spent most of his adult life in Beirut. In 1917, after
witnessing him walk upon water near Bethlehem, his friends called him
"Dahesh" (Arabic: "Wonderful"). In 1930, he received an honorary
doctorate in psychic studies from the International Psychic Society in
Paris; based upon his growing reputation as a worker of miracles and
mind-reader. After that, he wrote under the pen-name of "Doctor
He purportedly performed thousands of supernatural miracles such as
those Jesus did, but in a much greater number. Hundreds of people, his
followers and non-followers, wrote of miracles they saw occurred in
various newspapers in Lebanon and Egypt. Doctor Dahesh became quite
famous as a miracle-worker and/or illusionist in Lebanon in the 1930s
through the early 1970s. His name was quite well-known in Lebanon,
Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt during those decades.Dr. Dahesh
wrote hundreds of prophecies, almost all of them of an individual
nature, and hundreds have testified that the prophecies came true to
the letter. His "general" prophecies are few, but include a prophecy
of a coming European anti-Christ in the 2020s A.D., the John F.
Kennedy assassination, the Lebanese Civil War, and the second coming
of Jesus Christ "1995" years after Jesus first proclaimed His mission
in Palestine.
Dr. Dahesh was greatly persecuted in Lebanon by the government,
because many Lebanese were becoming Daheshists; to the shock of
Christian and Muslim leaders. The government of Lebanon accused Dr.
Dahesh of practicing Spiritism and Black Magic (by which they claimed
he could perform miracles) who considered him to be a false prophet
and false teacher. Dahesh was exiled from Lebanon in 1944, and
traveled to Syria, Turkey, and finally to Iran; where he was executed
as a "spy" in 1944. Three days after his execution, which was
publicized in Lebanese newspapers, he appeared back in Beirut very
much alive.
Daheshists see this as one of his many supernatural miracles. The
enemies of Dr. Dahesh never denied he could perform miracles. They
ascribed his miracle-working to Black Magic; as did the Pharisees to
Jesus' miracles. In 1942 he founded his own religion called "al-
Dahishiyyah" (Daheshism) which he claimed was not a new Revelation,
but simply a "unity" of the teachings of all the true Prophets and
Guides that God had sent to this planet. Among the particular
teachings of Dr. Dahesh was reincarnation, the Law of Karma, and that
Heaven and Hell consisted of literally planets; Earth being the
highest type of "Hell" planet where the ultraviolet rays of the Sun
"burn" our skin and where we experience pain and sorrow and where
Demons (evil souls) torment us. Each of us has a "Holy Spirit" who
guides us, watches us, and hears, and sometimes answers, our
individual prayers to God.
Dr. Dahesh wrote 150 books: poems, prose, parables, social-commentary,
and five books of Divine Revelation (Paradise, Inferno, My Testament,
The Gospel of Love, The Book of the Divine Guide). These books are
still in Arabic and have not yet been published for the public. Dr.
Dahesh also wrote "Memoirs of Jesus of Nazareth" in the first person.
Although he never claimed to be Jesus reincarnated, most Daheshists
believe he was; based upon things he said and wrote.
In "Memoirs of Jesus of Nazareth" Dr. Dahesh claimed that Jesus would
return "20 centuries" after he first appeared; exactly 1995 years
after he made his first announced himself (which would be about 27 to
30 A.D. making the Second Coming to be about 2027 to 2033 A.D.). Jesus
will "come down from heaven" as He did the first time; via the womb of
a virtuous woman. He will grow to manhood working miracles as
Dr. Dahesh taught that Jesus had one physical body and seven "heavenly
personalities"; one of which was crucified on the Cross and ascended;
leaving the physical body of Jesus to remain on Earth under an assumed
name to live for decades to follow (i.e. all physical bodies
eventually die and return to dust). Some Daheshists speculate that
Jesus spent his post-crucifixion life as [[Apollonius of Tyana]], the
miracle-working Greek "prophet", but this is not official Daheshist
Daheshists believe that [[Muhammad]] was a true Messenger of God, and
the [[Quran]] to be the Word of God, but much misunderstood by the
great majority of the world's Muslims. [[Muhammad]] is seen as the
"Seal of the Prophets" but God can break His own Seal anytime He
desires to do so. Thus, there is no final/last "Prophet" as long as
humanity exists on a Hell planet such as Earth where religion must be
renewed from time to time.
Daheshists include Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains,
Zoroastrians, Hindus, as well as people who do not follow any
particular religious path. Daheshists (about 2,000 mostly in Lebanon)
refer to Dr. Dahesh as "Our Beloved Guiding Prophet". They burn a
"Ramz" (special prayer written on a piece of paper in Arabic) as an
act of worship, and for divine healing purposes. Daheshists believe
that Dr. Dahesh will come again, born of a woman, to lead them.
Several Daheshists have reported having dreams that Dahesh was
reincarnated in 2007, but this is not official Daheshist doctrine.
Daheshists accept Jesus, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha, Ghandi,
and many others as Prophets and Divine Guides. All of these Prophets
and Divine Guides are the incarnations of the "Sayyals" (spiritual
fluids) of Christ. Jesus is seen as the incarnation of the 20th Sayyal
of Christ: the most lofty and highest Spiritual Fluid of Christ. Of
all the Prophets and Divine Guides, Jesus Christ is seen as Supreme
because He was the incarnation of the 20th, or highest, Sayyal of
"Christ" Who is the WORD of Creative Principle of God.
The five-pointed star is sacred to Daheshists, and used on the Ramz
(prayer sheet). Many Daheshists have written books describing the
hundreds of supernatural miracles they witnessed by his hand. Most of
these books are in Arabic, but they are slowly being translated into
English and a few other major languages. Dr. Dahesh could speak
Assyrian and Arabic, but while in trance he was able to speak Hindi,
English, French, and languages from other planets. At this time (2012)
there is no "head" of Daheshism.
There is a Saudi-American family called "The Trustees" who oversee the
publication of his books and oversee his vast Arabic book collection
(over 300,000 volumes); as well as his vast art collection. Dr. Dahesh
was an avid collector of books in Arabic, as well as the foremost
collector of 19th century French Academic art. The Trustees have
openned several "Dahesh Museums of Art" in New York City over the
years. Dr. Dahesh spent the last nine years of his life living in New
York City; to escape the Lebanese civil war which devasted his home
town (Beirut) from 1975 to 1980. He travelled to over 30 countries
during this time; working many miracles along the way.
The name "Dr. Dahesh" is still a quite famous name in Lebanon;
especially with the older generations. Most older Lebanese see Dr.
Dahesh as a "God Send" (a men sent but God to work miracles who is not
a Prophet), or a worker of "Black Magic" or the greatest illusionist/
hypnotist of all time. The 1000 or so Daheshists in Lebanon believe he
was a Prophet. There are about 2,000 Daheshists in the world; mostly
around Beirut and the greater New York City area (mostly Lebanese
Dr. Dahesh died in 1984 at the age of 75, and is buried in a secret
plot in or near New York City. The Daheshist Publishing Company of
[[New York City]] continues to translate and publish his many books
into English (and a few in French and German). Plans are to produce
"The Book of Daheshism" in Arabic and English; which will be a
guidebook for all Believers in Dr. Dahesh, by the year 2019. The Book
of Daheshism is being compiled and written by Dr. Ghazi Brax, the
President of the Daheshist Publishing Company of New York City. Dr.
Brax has no official office, but has been the major promulgator of the
life and works of Dr. Dahesh since the mid-1960s. He is a former
professor of literature and psychology at the University of Beirut.
Dr. Dahesh never married, but he had strong lasting friendships with
several men; leaving some to speculate that he may have been
homosexual. But, just about all Daheshists will deny this; citing a
work called "My Broken Heart" in which Dahesh expresses deep love and
desire but romantic mistrust of women. Dr. Dahesh also wrote poems in
which he described himself in Paradise kissing young nude women. Many
of the books of Dr. Dahesh has nude art on the cover. Dr. Dahesh
believed that nudity in itself was not evil or sin, and on many of the
Paradise planets sexual love continues to exist in one form or
another, and often without the rules and limitations that exist on our
planet. Plans are to organize Daheshism, called "The Dahesh Mission",
and to make a major dramatic film about the life and miracles of Dr.
Dahesh, but no date has yet to be set for these things to occur. The
purpose of the "Mission" is not to convert the world to Daheshism, but
merely to convince the world that God accepts all religions as valid
as long as the followers of those religions are sincere and seek to do
good towards all others.
Daheshists will be trained to be Divine Healers based upon the Ramz
rite (writing and burning a piece of paper with a special prayer
written upon it and using the ashes for divine healing). Once humanity
"sees" the hundreds of thousands of miracles done by Daheshists via
the Ramz, they will see religions no longer as competitors but as
"fraternal orders" in the one Religion of God.
One of the main principles of Daheshism is that we are "judged" not by
what religion or caste or church we belong to, but by our own actions
(karma); the Atheist who does "more good works" than the Theist
(Christian, Muslim, etc.), in the Next Life, receive a greater reward
than the Theist who does fewer good works. In his book "Paradise" Dr.
Dahesh describes 150 "Paradise" planets in detail; from the lowest
Paradise planets which are simply planets more technologically
advanced than Earth to the highest Paradise planets where whatsoever
one "thinks" of and calls forth is created. In his book "Inferno" Dr.
Dahesh describes 150 "Hell" planets in detail; which are literal
planets like Earth but in various stages of barbarity. Dozens of
Daheshists report observing Dr. Dahesh and one or more of his
"Heavenly Personalities" (heavenly twins or [[doppelgangers]]) at the
same time.
When the Mission is finally organized, it will include a Council of
Seven (directors elected by all Daheshists into office for life) who
oversee the "Dahesh Mission International" and a Council of 10
(advisors selected by the directors each with two assistants); with a
national "Dahesh Mission" established in every country where there is
enough freedom of religion to allow such a mission. Each Dahesh
Mission will promote the books of Dr. Dahesh in that country as well
as to recruit and train Daheshists in the Ramz (divine healing
ritual). The purpose of the Ramz is to convince the Atheists and
Agnostics that God exists, and to convince the Theists (Christians,
Muslims, Jews, etc.) that all Religions are from God, and that God
does not care what religion we are; only that we love one another and
see all humanity as one great Family of Brothers and Sisters.
Further information in English:
Information in Arabic: